Live Your Light Podcast

21: Some Light Infused Poetry During COVID-19 with Nikki Van Ekeren

I'm Emily

The blog is a place where I write out my advice on everything that makes up my world. From motherhood tips to a deeper understanding of energetics to all things feeling good, come browse my work…

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Audio Episodes with Emily & Guest Expert Sharing Wisdom on how to apply Quantum Energetics to Live Your  Light

Practical, Science-Backed Posts to Support Embodied Leadership & Business Growth

This Week on the Live Your Light Show:

This week’s guest on the Live Your Light Show, we welcome poet, Nikki Van Ekeren. I asked Nikki to be a guest on the Live Your Light Show because her style of poetry is centered on the art of self-empowerment. She believes that creating the life you want involves cultivating an inner passion to grow while developing the awareness to see challenges as opportunities. Her poetry speaks to anyone wondering how o become their best self during every stage of life and she works to give her readers clarity o how to become a full-time collaborator in the art of creating your personal masterpiece. Her third book just released titled, “These Poems Are About Sunny Days” which can offer light while we move through this COVID-19 pandemic.  I hope you enjoy, please let me know if you do!


In This Soulful Conversation We Cover: 


  • How it can be so scary to share your joy in a room of people who are upset but to still hold true to your personal values and never dim your light.
  • The two sides of the coin of working through the COVID quarantine
  • Learning what muscle do you need to start working to express your craft- what is in your heart that wants to be exposed during this time. There are so many mediums to express joy.
  • Why it’s the perfect time to step up and share your unique gifts.
  • How to implement boundaries during this time.
  • If you’re empathic, you might be extra sensitive right now, use that to your advantage (sensitivity is our superpower!)
  • Bravery is being YOU can be a form of boundary & the best choice right now
  • Words of Empowerment can be a reminder for you to show up fully as YOURSELF
  • How mirroring people’s energy can be damaging
  • A new way to look at COVID-19 Energy is always flowing and it is not contagious
  • Focus on your light, and ask yourself, “how can I  provide value in the way that I  do it best”
  • Nikki talks about her new book out March, 27 called, “These Poems Are About Sunny Days” and her writing process & how there are beautiful metaphors surrounding us in nature if we are open enough to see them!
  • How she emerged and started taking steps towards living her light as a poet
  • By honoring who you are, you offer permission for others to do the exact same
  • How the EGO came in and would say, ‘OH but how much money will you make’ when she first started
  • What it was like to have conscious conversations with her husband expressing that it was her passion to do something new with her life, which meant saying goodbye to the traditional path and saying hello to being a writer
  • If Nikki has to leave the world with one message it would be- “I   want you to have the courage to share your joy whatever medium that is, just share it no matter what it is”
  • Keep an eye out for her children’s poetry book coming out in the fall (about being brave, sharing your unique gifts and being a leader“


Quotable: “Know that sharing your light is more nourishing than any paycheck can be.”- Nikki



  • Visit Nikki’s Website HERE
  • Buy Nikki’s Book, ‘These Poems are About Sunny Days’ HERE 
  • Buy Nikki’s Book, ‘The Wanderer” HERE 
  • Buy Nikki’s Book, ‘Grace & Grit” HERE 

Stay Up To Date:



We can’t wait to see what you thought of the episode and what takeaways resonated most with you. Don’t forget to screenshot & tag @itsemilythomas when you’re listening to let us know your favorite part.

To get in touch to learn more about Emily’s programs to help you take the leap from where you are now to where you want to go, send Emily an email at and tell me about your story & vision!

Also, come hang with me on Instagram by clicking HERE 



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Pizza Obsessed, Truth seeker, CHRONIC OVERACHIEVER, Family & beach LOVER. 

Hi, I'm Emily.
I like to keep it real & share the good stuff.

+ I’m a mama to two girls, Kahaya and Ayla.
+ I eloped with my husband Andre after 6 months of dating. Good news, it worked out!
+ My family splits our time between Portugal, San Diego, and Mexico, with a LOT of travel in between.
+ I’m the founder of Sundari Swim
+ I’m also an Energetics Advisor at my company Aligned Energetics (check out the link in bio to learn more)
+ I’m passionate about my family, working with entrepreneurs, and EMBODIED LEADERS in any profession
+ I'm not afraid to admit that I like the finer things in life which include luxe travel, a good blow-out, that perfect-fitting pair of jeans, and a long spa but I equally love the simple moments and can rough it like the best of em
+ I love providing my advice or any tips I’ve found on motherhood or wellness or even fashion. On top of my two businesses
+ My work FUELS me. I don’t need a vacation because my life & biz IS the vacation.
+ I’m in love with the community I’ve built which allows me to show up with ALL of me. 
I can be a goofball AND talk about neuroscience. 
I can be a fashion blogger AND read energy. 
I can throw a dance party AND take them through the most groundbreaking breathwork experience…. And so much more. 
I’ve built a business that encourages personal expansion where wealth is the byproduct of authentic, embodied leadership. 

Learn more

Become Aware & Gain an Understanding of your baseline patterns

Build consciousness around any blocks and restrictive patterns that are hindering the flow of your energy system and specific steps to unlock new levels of harmony & clarity.


Energetic Business Analysis & Recalibration

Your work is an energetic expression of you therefore, your business must be set up to reflect your unique energetic properties. By doing an energetic analysis of your business systems, programs, offerings, sales processes, marketing funnels, partnerships & contributors we can see what is clearly in alignment with your financial intentions and what needs tweaking to increase the flow of abundance. 

Step 3: 

Energetic Implementation

Course Corrections are necessary to realign your business to reflect your financial intentions.  By understanding your unique energetic framework and having a clear vision of where you want to go, we are able to clearly understand what constitutes as a negative or positive choice therefore allowing you to become confident in your decisions and actions. 
I guide you during our sessions to shift the energy to remove barriers, adjust patterns, and feel more power & harmony.  


Here’s the process to support you in creating sustainable & aligned success.

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For Extra Productivity Tools and Value, Tune In to The Live Your Light Podcast

Your unique energy makes you, YOU!  Now let's apply that to be productive in all you do.